I work with a variety of different clients and projects, ranging from logo design, brand building to merchandise design and social media assets. I love getting to know people and their projects, wrapping my brain around their vision and searching for all the angles and possibilities, then translating it all visually to reach and engage their audience.

I am part of Roberta Flack’s design team and have created lots of social media assets, posters, merch, an album cover and even a permanent art installation in Washington, DC on her behalf. In this role I collaborate with video editors, social media managers, under the direction of Roberta Flack’s management team.

I am accustomed to quick turnarounds and hard deadlines. I am equally happy to plug away solo or collaborate within a team environment. I value feedback and critique. I am an easy going, level headed, eager learner with an old school work ethic. I am perpetually thinking about illustration + design, and constantly creating. I truly love it.

I am based in Clarksville, Delaware, where I live with my wife, Karen, just 6 miles from the ocean, and a short drive to the major Northeast cities. I love doodling, drawing robots and painting waves in my spare time, being near, in and on the water, shooting hoops, exploring new cities and places, meeting people and listening to music excessively (Amyl + the Sniffers, and The Bobby Lees on repeat right now, with some Chopin and Motown mixed in.)

My favorite medium of design and art is the t-shirt. T-shirts exist as tributes to our favorite artists, as jokes, as billboards, as art, as an invitation to check out a great food spot or bar, as a way to connect to community, “Yo! I love that band too!”, as civil rights movements. They are so accessible for so many people, and a beautiful way to feel a part of.

Who doesn’t love their inclusion to feel like a soft, well fitting, hug?

As you scroll through my portfolio, you will find: illustrations, some t-shirt designs, a few examples from my Roberta Flack work, a handful of recent logos, and at the bottom of the page, a few kind words from clients.

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me and my work.

I am excited to meet and get to know you too.

Corey Houlihan

SPCWMN Studios

Hi, I’m Corey (she/her)

a graphic designer, illustrator + brand brainstormer.